Common treatments for many gynecological conditions unfortunately focus on the suppression of abnormal function. Additionally, current treatments for infertility focus on the bypassing of abnormal function. These methods do not often last and rarely address the underlying problem.
At RHM, our goal is always to restore function.
We achieve this by focusing on three main areas: Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Physiology and Reproductive Immunology. Besides following major medical societal guidelines, our restorative medical protocols are largely derived from FEMM/RHRI, CrMS/NaProTechnology and Marquette University.
Au-then-tic (adjective). Of undisputed origin; genuine.
At RHM, we believe that authentic gynecological care centers primarily on the careful study of a woman's cyclical observations. What causes this daily variation is a delicate interplay of physiology, endocrinology (hormones) and your immune system to bring about ovulation. A disruption of this balance leads to abnormal ovulation and a wide variety of reproductive health issues. Therefore, rather than simply treating symptoms, we work cooperatively with our patients to treat the root cause of the problem. We believe that this to be in accordance with the principles of the Hippocratic Oath, where all physicians are called to follow.
RHM Gynecology serves women in every stage of the reproductive continuum, puberty through menopause. RHM addresses gynecological, fertility, and reproductive health needs.
RHM recognizes that the body functions as an integrated whole. Furthermore, a woman's reproductive health involves the delicate interplay of over a dozen hormones. In our goal to provide the highest quality of health and with the most effective medical responses, RHM providers deliver deeper diagnostic work that target root causes. Providers develop treatment specific to each patient case. RHM medical protocols aim to restore full health and independent health.
It is not uncommon for women to experience a range of gynecological symptoms throughout her reproductive life, puberty through menopause. Common symptoms can include abnormal weight change, painful or irregular cycles, acne, and mood swings. RHM medical protocols respond to symptoms by identifying and treating the root causes. RHM providers encourage patients to schedule a consultation as soon as symptoms arise. Additionally, RHM provides routine care such as annual physicals, pap smears, and STD testing.
Miscarriage and infertility can also indicate hormonal dysfunction. RHM providers work with our patients to closely monitor ovulation and her hormone levels. RHM treatment plans for fertility and reproductive health always try to identify and target root causes of dysfunction. Treatment works to boost and supplement where needed so that the body can function properly and independently in the goal to achieve pregnancy.
Reproductive biomarkers provide key insight to RHM medical providers. RHM prioritizes ovulation as a key indicator to healthy hormone function. Accurate charting information contributes valuable information to the development of targeted and precise treatment plans. To equip our patients, RHM provides Charting Education consultations. Furthermore, charting empowers our patients to understand their health so that they can be informed agents in their health decisions.
RHM's Telehealth has made connecting with your provider easy and convenient. You don’t need to leave home and travel to a doctor’s office to receive care and staying connected is important. At RHM, we are committed to continuing to provide healthcare that is accessible, affordable, and accountable.