My name is Kayla, and I am a FEMM Educator at RHM Gynecology. I wanted to tell you a little bit about FEMM and what we do!
FEMM stands for fertility education and medical management. I am the fertility education side of things, while Dr Kongoasa and our other providers are the medical management side of things. We work together with you to teach you how your body works, how to understand what your body is saying to you, how to record that information into a chart, and then use that chart to monitor your overall health. It has the ability to help us target any underlying health issues you may have. I believe this is the most effective and efficient way to begin your journey towards physical healing. Charting cycles is not only for women who seem to have health issues, but for all women in their reproductive life. Along with monitoring your overall health, you will be able to recognize your signs of fertility, enabling you to avoid or potentially achieve pregnancy naturally when you are at that place in life, giving you freedom from a hormonal contraceptive. Your body is talking to you, and I can help you understand what it's saying!
What to Expect
My class is broken down into three separate sessions that are about 30 minutes long and spaced one month apart. In the appointment confirmation emails, a link to a pre-recorded video will be included. Please watch this prior to our next appointment. We will be using the Patient Portal for all of our video-call appointments, which will involve us talking about the video, doing some exercises, Q&A, and reviewing your chart (this will only be done at the second and third session). Along with the course, you get me. I'm available to answer any questions or concerns throughout your charting journey and can continue doing live chart reviews with you after you have completed the course.

If you have insurance, each session will be billed to them. If your insurance does not cover any of the appointment, our self-pay rate is between $40-$90. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact our office for assistance
Schedule a Cycle Education Session
Prior to your session, a link to the video call will be sent via text and/or email. To schedule, please call 770-450-8677
Preparing for Your Cycle Education Session
Uploading Documents
Click here for information on how to upload your documents (e.g. cycle chart)
How to Access a Virtual Appointment
Virtual appointments can be accessed in your Patient Portal, either online or in the App.
Patients can launch a telehealth call from the appointment details screen. The call can be launched on the day of the appointment (no matter the time of the appointment). Patients can press the Launch Telehealth button to start the telehealth call.

Download the athenaPatient Mobile App
RHM Patients can use the athenaPatient app for scheduling appointments, messaging providers, for telehealth video calls and so much more. Although it is not required, we encouraged our patients to download the app below.