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BHP Instructions

Your basic hormonal panel labs should be drawn on cycle day 2, 3, 4, or 5, you might still be on your period at this time. Your labs should be performed when you have been fasting for 8-10 hours and before 10 a.m.. Avoid sex and exercise for 24 hours prior to having your labs drawn.


OGTT-I Instructions

The Glucose and Insulin labs should be performed at the same time, and can be performed on any day of your cycle, but it should be performed before 10 a.m. and after you have been fasting for 8-10 hours. The testing will take approximately 2 ½ hours. The lab should perform the test in the following manner:


  • The first draw is fasting. 2 tubes are drawn. 1 tiger top and 1 grey top

  • After you have the fasting level drawn, you should drink the 75 mg glucose drink.

  • The second draw is 30-minutes post-drink and 2 tubes are drawn. 1 tiger top and 1 grey.

  • The third draw is 30-minutes after the previous draw and 2 tubes are drawn. 1 tiger top and 1 grey.

  • The fourth draw is 30-minutes after the previous draw and 2 tubes are drawn. 1 tiger top and 1 grey.

  • The fifth draw is 30-minutes after the previous draw and 2 tubes are drawn. 1 tiger top and 1 grey.

Luteal Phase Lab Instructions

Your luteal phase labs should be drawn 7 days after ovulation. If P+7 (7 days post ovulation) falls on a Saturday go on P+6 and if P+7 falls on a Sunday, go on P+8. If you’re taking morning progesterone, go for the blood work before you take the progesterone. You can take the progesterone immediately after your labs are drawn.


Follicle Tracking Instructions

For the pre-ovulation ultrasound, your first ultrasound should be done between cycle 8 and 12. This should be determined together with your medical provider. We recommend you make appointments in advance with the ultrasound facility for every other day during your “fertile window.” Your ultrasound order should have a standing order for you to go for ultrasounds daily up till the day of trigger. Please let us know if your imaging facility requires separate orders for each ultrasound.


You will receive further instructions after each ultrasound. Therefore it is very important to get the ultrasound images and report to us as soon as possible after each scan. Please remind the imaging facility to fax us the report as soon as possible, even if it is only preliminary.


You are welcome to send the images directly to us. Please ask the imaging facility to provide you with a CD of your scan. We find that the most effective way is to open the imaging study and ''print screen'' and paste each of the images directly to a word document or google docs document. Following that ''save as'' or ''print as'' PDF and then upload the PDF to us through the patient portal. Please note that you will not be able to upload any documents that are larger than 10MB.


Please call our office right after you have been for the ultrasound to alert us to be on the lookout for your ultrasound report or images. You should expect a communication from us that same day with further instructions. If you do not hear back from us by the end of the day, please call our office even if it is after hours.


When to Trigger

The timing of your trigger shot is dependent on your ultrasound results. Once we receive an ultrasound indicating your dominant follicle is “ready” for trigger, we’ll call you with further instructions.


HCG Injection Instructional Videos

HCG Videos

Intramuscular (IM) Injection

Subcutaneous (SQ) Injection

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